Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, April 13

So today is day six, and I am down another .5 pounds - the scale said 169 even this morning. I was very concerned as this was my first day back at work - but it ended up being extremely easy. I gave myself my shot much earlier today, at 5:30 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. I had an apple after I got to work, and then had a grissini about 10:00. Then I forgot to eat lunch - wow, how often does that happen? And finally remembered at 1:30. I ate grilled chicken and mixed vegetables. Afterward I was full, but still jonesing for something chocolate, or bread, or something like that. I drank water instead. :^D I had another grissini at 3:30, and now I'm home, eating grilled chicken breast and organic broccoli. I have realized on this diet just how much emotional eating I do, and also how much I used to eat without even thinking about it. And it is a very strange sensation to be physically full, and yet still yearn for food. It's also weird to not really have food to think about. I mean, I plan my meals very carefully, but with so few choices it's not like there's a lot to think about. Before, I would think about food a lot - and always be on a mission to find the one food that will satisfy my cravings and make me feel good.

I have my first follow up appointment tomorrow - I'm anxious to see how I am doing! Yesterday I ended up not eating my second apple because I had some coffee, which killed my craving for it. So I figured, why waste the calories if I don't really want it? Now there's a new concept for me!!

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